How many kilograms of biomass materials can make a kilo of charcoal?

2021-12-09 13:43:00
Summary :Biomass fuel had been played an important role in peoples life or industrial field

The highest cost part of charcoal production is the raw materials, which usually account for at least 50%-60% of the cost of charcoal production, and the rest is the labor cost, electricity cost and miscellaneous expenses for site rental.


So for making profits, the important way to save expenses, reduce production costs, and raise the selling price. At present, the selling price in the market is on the rise, but it is basically stable. It is hard to raise the price suddenly. This is the law of the market, so we can only start from controlling the cost.


Therefore, it is necessary to ask: How many kilograms of biomass materials can be made into one kilogram of charcoal? Or how much charcoal can a kilo of biomass materials be made? Before this question, we need to confirm one thing first, that is, making charcoal requires extremely strict moisture content requirement of raw materials, which can only be processed at about 10%. How much does this moisture content raw material need to make a ton of charcoal? In general cases, dry sawdust must first pass through high-temperature and high-pressure briquette making machine, but in this process, the moisture content of the raw materials will be further reduced, but the reduction is not much, which can be almost ignored. Then the semi-finished rods will be carbonized through carbonization furnace or earth kiln. In this process, the weight of charcoal will be greatly reduced, usually the ratio is 2.2-2.3: 1, that is, 2200 kg to 2300 kg to make one ton of charcoal.


Therefore, if you want to find out how many kilograms of raw materials can you produce a kilogram of charcoal, you must first look at the raw materials. Making charcoal requires very low moisture content of the raw materials. But many people will say: My raw materials are very dry and can be made directly. However, that kind of dry raw materials usually at least have a moisture of about 20%-30%, and what people usually call very dry sawdust simply cannot meet the standard for making charcoal.


For the wood that people commonly see, or newly cut wood, The water content of these two types are high, The moisture content of the former is basically above 35%, while that of the latter is as high as 50%-60%. According to this moisture content, the former raw materials actually need 3.2-3.3 tons to produce a ton of charcoal, while fresh wood needs nearly 4 tons to produce a ton of charcoal. This is why some carbon factories say that the ratio of raw materials to finished products is very different.


Different charcoal factories use different raw materials, not every plant uses sawdust or wood branches to make charcoal. Carbon plants in some areas use rice husk or peanut husk. This kind of raw material can also be used to make charcoal. But due to the low density and light texture of the raw material, the proportion of charcoal production will be low. In addition, it usually takes more than 4 tons to make one ton of charcoal in common moisture condition.


Some producers in some areas have sufficient raw materials with good quality. It is not necessary to make charcoal briquettes after crushing and drying, so they only need to build some earth kilns or buy some carbonization furnaces to directly turn them into original charcoal. This method of carbon production is more traditional and simpler, except that the proportion of carbon production is relatively high, otherwise only one ton of carbon can be made at more than 4 tons raw materials.

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